County Health Data Book

The State Center for Health Statistics creates the County Health Data Book on an annual basis to provide communities with quantitative data to support community health assessments. The data in the 2022 County Health Data Book are considered current for community health assessments and state of the county health reports due the first Monday of March, 2022.

Data from the County Data Book are available below for download.


Pregnancy and Live Births

Life Expectancy



Web Links for Data Related to Community Health Assessment

Due to reduced staff devoted to Community Health Assessment activities, the State Center for Health Statistics is no longer able to compile data from other agencies. We provide web links below for much of the data from external agencies that were included in previous data books.

For questions related to these data, contact [email protected] .

Note on Rates

Rates presented here utilize the National Center for Health Statistics Bridged population estimates. Population estimates are periodically modified based on the best available information. Therefore, rates presented in this report may vary over time as revised population estimates become available.

Note on Data

Data may include revisions and, therefore, may differ from data previously published in this report and other publications.