The Roommate Agreement


The Roommate Agreement was written by Sheldon and was signed by Leonard when they first became roommates. These events were shown during a flashback in "The Staircase Implementation". Sheldon starts mentioning paragraphs from a Friendship Agreement in the episode "The Cooper-Nowitzki Theorem". Later episodes describe it as a Roommate Agreement, and Sheldon continues to cite from it throughout the series, usually when one of the clauses is being violated.

Sheldon revamped the Agreement to better favor himself in The Agreement Dissection (although as written by Sheldon, the Agreement, even before Priya took it apart, has always been constructed to favor only him due to his selfishness, his self-centeredness and his insistence on always having his way). The new version was however only agreed upon by blackmail as Sheldon had set up a one-minute timer which would then send an email to Priya's parents informing them of her relationship with Leonard, which Leonard objected to at first.

The Roommate Agreement was in effect for the majority of the show; however since Sheldon has moved in with Amy into Penny's old apartment, it can be assumed that the agreement is no longer in effect.


Articles of the Roommate Agreement [ ]

Unspecified Clauses [ ]

Friendship Rider [ ]

Appendix C - Future commitments

Cohabitation Rider [ ]