Frequently Asked Questions

You've got questions, we've got answers! Here's what we have to say to your most common questions.

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Ready to Apply

Do grade 11 marks count?

The admission selection process includes consideration of the Grade 11 and Grade 12 academic records. Emphasis is placed on Grade 11 results where marks in the required number of Grade 12 courses are not yet available.

Can I apply to two different programs at UTM?

You can apply to one program per campus or faculty at the University of Toronto, up to a maximum of three U of T choices. At U of T Mississauga, you can choose one admission category, but you may pursue more than one program throughout your degree.

  1. You can apply to Life Sciences at U of T Mississauga, Life Sciences at U of T Scarborough, and Life Sciences at the Faculty of Arts & Science, St. George.
  2. You can apply to Chemical & Physical Sciences at U of T Mississauga, Physical & Mathematical Sciences at the Faculty of Arts & Science, St. George, and Chemical Engineering at the Faculty of Applied Sciences & Engineering.

Will I need to submit reference letters, personal statements, or supplementary applications?

Reference letters and personal statements are not required for admission to any of our programs. Theatre & Drama requires students to complete an audition. For more information regarding the audition process, please visit

I am interested in pursuing two majors during my undergraduate studies that fall within two different admission categories at U of T Mississauga (ie. Biology and History). How do I know which admission category I should apply to on OUAC?

You may only select one admission category when applying to the University of Toronto Mississauga. If you are interested in more than one program, we recommend applying to the one that best represents your academic goals, or if you can't decide between the two, choose the one with the most prerequisite subjects or highest grade requirement.

I am interested in applying to a program at the University of Toronto Mississauga. If I apply to this program on OUAC will I be considered for this program at all three campuses?

No. To be considered for U of T Mississauga programs, you must apply to U of T Mississauga via your OUAC or U of T application. In some cases, U of T Mississauga may send alternate offers to competitive Faculty of Arts & Science applicants.

What is the difference between an admission category, a program, and POSt? Can I apply directly to my program or specialist/major/minor?

The Admission Category is a grouping of similar programs, with the same or similar requirements. Students admitted to an Admission Category, complete common foundational studies in first year to determine which Program of Study (POSt) they are most interested in, and best suited for. The official terminology for Program at the University of Toronto is “Program of Study (POSt)” or “Subject POSt”. Though general programs are listed within our Admission Categories, many more exist at various levels (i.e. Specialist, Major, Minor). These levels are determined by the number of credits completed in that particular area of study. You can request your Subject POSt(s) once you’ve completed Year 1 or 4.0 credits, including specific program requirements. Watch this video to learn more!

How will a repeated course affect my admission?

The university reserves the right to give preference to students whose marks are the result of a single attempt at each course. Though we may consider repeated courses, we will pay close attention to prerequisite courses, the number of repeats, as well as your overall academic record.

Will I be considered for all of the programs I applied to at the same time, or only in the order I ranked them?

You will be considered concurrently for all your U of T applications. U of T rank doesn’t matter.

I have an extenuating circumstance that affected my academic performance. How can I include this in my application?

If your academic record has been negatively affected by disability related circumstances, or extenuating circumstances (such as a personal or family illness, tragedy, trauma or hardship), and your academic performance is slightly below the usual requirements for admission, the appropriate Admissions Committee may give special consideration. Although we cannot guarantee approval, each request will be reviewed on its individual merits. For more details visit

If I am not eligible for my program choice at U of T Mississauga, will I be considered for an alternate offer?

You will automatically be considered for an alternate program at U of T Mississauga if you are not eligible for your first program choice. We review your academic record and try our best to choose a program aligned to your first choice, and which plays to your academic strengths.

After Applying

When will I hear back after submitting my application?

You will receive an email from both the University of Toronto's Enrolment Services and the University of Toronto Mississauga approximately ten business days after you submit your application via the OUAC or U of T International Application. These emails will provide you with instructions on how to access the Join U of T website. Here, you will track the status of your application and submit any necessary supporting documents.

I’m having trouble logging in to Join U of T. What should I do?

Please try resetting your Join U of T password. This will resolve the majority of log in issues. If the problem persists, please contact us for next steps.

Join U of T is asking me for a temporary pin. What is this?

Please try logging in directly from the main page:

I have submitted my application but want to make a change, how do I do that?

If you have applied using the OUAC Undergraduate Aapplication and wish to make changes to your initial application, you must do this by logging in to the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre website.

All other applicants (U of T International / Internal / Part-Time / Non-Degree) should log onto Join U of T, click on Check Status, and follow the instructions for making changes to your application.

Note: You may only amend your application if there is no decision associated. If a decision has been made, and you wish to amend your application, you must submit a Post-Decision appeal accessed through the Join U of T Applicant Website. We do not accept any changes or corrections via e-mail or telephone.

Do I need to ask my high school to mail in my transcript now?

No, you can personally upload your current unofficial transcripts to the Join U of T Applicant Website for admission consideration. Only your official final high school transcripts are required to be mailed in.

If you graduated high school in 2022 or have taken a gap year, then you will be asked to send us your official final transcripts as part of the documents needed for admission consideration before the document deadline.

How should I submit my transcript?

You can upload unofficial transcripts yourself through the Join U of T Applicant Website. Official final high school transcripts or board exam certificates should be sent directly from your school through Parchment or mailed directly to Enrolment Services.

If you are not currently a high school student, please visit the Apply to U of T webpage for more information on how to submit your transcripts.

It says that uploading my transcript is unofficial so should I still upload my transcript?

Yes, we will consider you for admission based on your uploaded unofficial transcripts. We will only require your official final transcripts to be sent directly from your school at the end of the year to clear admissions conditions.

My mid-term grades will not be released until December/January/February, how should I self-report my grades?

If you are required to self-report your grades you will have access to a form in the Join U of T Applicant Website with instructions as to what grades you should report. You will be able to send updated grades up until the document deadline. For updated dates & deadlines visit

What should I submit if I don’t have my mid-term transcript yet? What if I don’t get mid-term grades or a mid-term transcript?

Please submit all available transcripts or the most up-to-date grade reports. We should be able to assess your application for a conditional offer of admission based on what you provide. You are able to submit supporting documents until the document deadline. We will continue to accept updated grades if they become available later, provided that spaces are available in our programs.

My interim transcript will not be available until December/January/February, will this impact my admission because the document deadline for early consideration is in December?

No. Early consideration will be based on Gr. 11 marks and any available or predicted Gr. 12 marks. These transcripts can be submitted before the December deadline. Students who do not submit their documents before the December 15 th early consideration deadline will be assessed in our later rounds in March, April, and May using all available marks.

My school sent my transcript last week, how do I know if you have received it?

It can take a few weeks for sent documents to be matched to an application. You can track the progress of your documents on the Join U of T Applicant Website.

I am taking a course outside of my regular day high school, in summer school/night school or private school. Will this affect my admission?

Courses completed through a school or organization accredited by the Ministry of Education are acceptable, whether taken online, at night, or during the summer (before your grade 12 year). Note, however, courses completed the summer before entering university cannot be taken into consideration for admission decision purposes.

I am planning on taking a prerequisite in the summer before starting my undergraduate studies. Will this affect my admission?

Admission requirements, including prerequisites for admission consideration, must be met during the regular academic school year. Summer courses can be completed for preparation or to use as prerequisites for course enrolment and/or transfer credit, but we will not be able to consider these courses for initial admission decisions.

Admitted Students

I received an offer to a program or U of T campus that I didn’t apply to. What does this mean?

Congratulations! You've received an alternate offer!

Alternate Program Offers
An alternate program offer is not a rejection to the university; in fact, it’s another opportunity! We carefully consider all applications before providing an offer. Students who do not meet the requirements for their original program choice, but are still admissible to the University, are sometimes offered admission to an alternate program that reflects their academic strengths.

Alternate Campus Offers
At U of T, we carefully consider all applications before providing an offer. Students who do not meet the requirements for their original program choice, but are still admissible to the University of Toronto, are sometimes offered admission to an alternate program that reflects their academic strengths. In this case, your offer was made to an alternate campus as well. The U of T family includes three distinct campuses, each offering a unique university experience, but all sharing in the commitment to provide our students with an excellent and unparalleled education. This tri-campus system means that our students can take courses at other U of T campuses, use all the facilities, be taught by professors who lecture at multiple campuses, and graduate with a University of Toronto degree. While we realize that you may not have considered U of T Mississauga initially, we think that this offer is something for you to be excited about!

What are the Terms & Conditions of my offer of admission to the University of Toronto Mississauga?

Most students receive a conditional offer of admission. The terms and conditions of your offer will be detailed on the Join U of T Applicant Website. Please ensure you are working towards meeting these terms and conditions. If you are concerned about not meeting the requirements outlined in your offer letter and applicant website, please contact our office.

Am I able to defer my offer of admission?

If you decide to put your studies on hold, you may request a one-year deferral of your offer of admission. The deferral of admission will include a deferral of any entrance scholarship(s) awarded and the residence guarantee if applicable. Applicants who plan to attend another post-secondary institution will not be permitted to defer their admission. You can find instructions on how to submit a request for admission deferral form here.

If I’ve done Advanced Placement (AP), GCE, French Baccalaureate, or International Baccalaureate (IB), will I be eligible for Transfer Credit?

If you have completed college or university studies, AP, IB, GCE, CAPE, or French Baccalaureate examinations you may be eligible for transfer credit(s) at the University of Toronto. Transfer credits are assessed after admission. You can find out more about expected U of Mississauga transfer credit equivalencies on our website.